
Application Fee: $200 (non-refundable)
Tuition per family
Family’s Highest Grade at RCCS 1 Child 2 Children 3+ Children
K-3 $6,800 $11,000 $13,000
8-12 $8,800 $14,000 $16,000
Example: The tuition for a family with 2 children with one in Grade 3 and another in Grade 9 will be $14,000
Options for payment of the annual tuition are:

1. Pay the yearly tuition in a lump sum* before the first day of classes or

2. Pay by Direct Debit in monthly payments. You will need to include:

• Pre-Authorized Debit Form

• Void cheque or Banking information provided to you by your financial institution

* There is a 2% discount incentive for lump sum payments of the yearly tuition. For example, the annual tuition for 1 child in Grade 2 will be $6,664. Payments can be made by money order, cheque or direct deposit.

International Student Tuition

Tuition fees for international students are to be paid in full for the entire school year.

K- Grade 3: $17,000

Grades 8-12: $18,800

Approximately $50 per Elementary school student and $325 per High school student.

Important information on tax benefit for domestic families:

You will receive an annual charitable donation receipt for the portion of tuition paid that pertains to religious instruction. The amount of this receipt varies from year to year and is calculated according to Canada Revenue Agency requirements. This tax benefit reduces your personal income tax paid, ultimately helping to lower the cost of tuition.

Important policies regarding tuition fees

When it is necessary for a student to voluntarily withdraw from the school for any reason, one full school month’s notice must be given together with the payment of the tuition for to the current month, plus the next month, will be charged to the family’s account.

The ongoing failure to maintain a current tuition account and the ability to meet the financial obligations of the chosen payment plan may result in the release of the student.

When a student is suspended, expelled, or asked to withdraw for disciplinary reasons, all tuition and fees paid to Royal Canadian Christian School are non-refundable. When a student leaves Royal Canadian Christian School for any reason, all unpaid accounts remain due to the school, even after graduation.

International student tuition fee refund policy

In the event that an applicant does not come to Canada or decides to leave Royal Canadian Christian School for personal reasons, a portion of the paid tuition fee will be refunded.  $300 of the tuition fee will be retained to cover administrative expenses.  All requests must be made in writing. 

1)   The following refund policy will apply to new students:

a.   Full refund, less application and administrative fees, if the visiting student authorization is not approved by Immigration Canada (student must include letter of rejection from Immigration Canada).

b.   60% of the tuition fee, if the student withdraws from the program more than 3 months prior to the commencement of the program.

c.   55% of tuition fee, if the student withdraws from the program less than 3 months prior to the commencement of the program.

d.   50% of tuition fee, if the student withdraws any time between commencement and the end of the first calendar month of the program.

e.   No refund of the tuition fee if the student withdraws after the first calendar month of the program.

2)   If a student returns to Royal Canadian Christian School for a subsequent year and withdraws prior to the commencing of the subsequent year, the following refund policy will apply:

a.   50% of the annual tuition fee will be refunded if a student withdraws from the program more than 3 months prior to the subsequent year of studies is to commence and has not applied for the renewal of his/her Canadian Study Permit.

b.   No refund of the tuition fee will be provided if a student has submitted an application to renew a Canadian Study Permit with the Royal Canadian Christian School Letter of Acceptance for the subsequent year or period of study.

c.   No refund of the tuition fee will be provided should a student withdraw less than 3 months before the subsequent year of studies is to commence.

3)   Royal Canadian Christian School maintains valid bonds on a continued basis to afford students protection on their fee deposits. In the event of a permanent closure, the bond will provide for the prorated repayment to students of all fees for courses not taken or completed by students.

4)   No refund of the tuition fee if the student is found to be in violation of school rules (i.e. chronic absenteeism, drinking alcohol, taking drugs, etc.) and expelled from Royal Canadian Christian School.

5)   Students who become Canadian landed immigrants after tuition fees are paid will not be eligible for refunds other than as stated in the refund policy above.